Talks and presentations

Data Science in Marketing and Sales

November 16, 2023

Talk, SD School of Mines, Marketing Innovations, SD School of Mines, Rapid City, SD

I talked about uses of Machine Learning in marketing. The students and I worked through examples of formulating marketing use-cases as machine learning problems and did a deep dive in client engagement analytics.

Tedx Boston: Planetary Stewardship

November 12, 2023

Talk, Tedx Boston: Planetary Stewardship, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, Massachusetts

This talk was a surprise! A little bonus content for the audience. I talked about the important of listening to Indigenous partners when working in their ancestral lands and how our stories contain rich information about our environment.

Introduction to Data Science

April 18, 2023

Tutorial, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Dr. Glass' Class on Genomics and Bioinformatics, Remote Class Lecture

I gave an introduction to machine learning across a broad set of topics (language learning apps, language pronunciation, embeddings). We also did a live example of exploring word embeddings.

Introduction to Data Science

March 23, 2023

Talk, SD School of Mines, Senior Design, SD School of Mines, Rapid City, SD

I gave an introduction to machine learning across a broad set of topics (language learning apps, language pronunciation, embeddings). We worked through live examples of ML problem formulations and did plent of Q&A. The students were great!